How to Declutter Your Home Using Self Storage in Yaletown

In our lives we acquire a lot of stuff including important heirlooms, interesting curiosities and practical necessities, yet no matter how much stuff we have we always seem to acquire more in one way or another. Over time you may find that no matter how much you organize you just can’t find enough room for all of the stuff you want to keep, so what do you do with it? In today’s blog we will be looking at how to declutter your home using self-storage in the Yaletown area.
Take Inventory
One of the first things you should do when planning to declutter your home and put things into storage is to create an inventory of your items. An inventory will help you determine what you have, what you need, what you can throw away and what you want to store. You may end up finding things you forgot you had or finding duplicates of items you have lost and reacquired.
Assess Value
Now that you have made an inventory of your items you can start determining what you want to do with them. You can do this by evaluating how much you value each item and why you want to hold on to it. You should look at your items and ask yourself why you value them, is the item an important necessity? Does it have sentimental value? Does it have financial value? Or are you completely unsure as to why you are holding onto the item in the first place. This will help you organize; there’s no point in storing items that you don’t value.
Go One Room at a Time
Organizing your items for storage one room at a time has a variety of advantages, it makes a large daunting task into a series of smaller more manageable tasks and can help you stay organized. You can also use this to compartmentalize your organization by accurately labeling boxes and bins used to store items with the room the items came from so you know what came from where when you put it into storage.
Prepare items for Storage
Many items will have unique requirements to prepare them for storage. You should first and foremost make sure that all items you intend to store are clean, it isn’t pleasant to return to your stored items to find out that they are filthy. You should also disassemble any furniture you intend to store, this will make your furniture easier to manage and avoid it taking up a lot of unnecessary space in your storage unit.
Choose the Right Storage Unit for your Needs
Determining how much space you need is important as otherwise you may end up paying for extra space you won’t use or not having enough space to store everything you need. You should also consider how convenient the storage facility you are using is to access. Yaletown Mini Storage is conveniently located in the Yaletown area of downtown Vancouver and offers a wide range of storage unit sizes to fit your needs.
We hope we have been able to demonstrate how you can declutter your home using Self Storage and hope you will choose Yaletown Mini Storage should you require a self-storage solution in the Yaletown area.
Yaletown Mini Storage offers brightly lit, clean, affordable storage units in downtown Vancouver. Most units have 8-foot ceilings, and there are no access fees or limitations.
If you have any questions about this article or our downtown Vancouver storage units, contact us at (604) 603-5885.
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